langsung dari crazygrape
hi all,
we're setting up an office in Jakarta and are currently hiring engineers. they're going to be working on mostly pagelets (the little web pages you seen in mig33), wapsite and website, and producing graphic artwork like emoticons, virtual gifts etc.
job ads can be found here:
Project Manager :
Programmer :
We're starting with a team of 5, but will be growing as mig33 grows. The office will have a meaningful input into the product development process.
* 2 years experiences as Project Manager or Team Leader.
* Experience in using PHP, XML / HTML, JavaScript, AJAX-driven application and MySQL.
* Knowledge of cross-browser development techniques and browser degradation strategies.
* Knowledge of WAP and experience with entire development cycle.
* Basic knowledge of mobile data, mobile browser and Java applications.
* Have thorough experienced on MIG33 or other social platform.
* Ability to spot market trend, and translate market demand into product ideas.
* Capable to make Project Plan, organize and delegate duties.
* Capable to control produktivity of team members.
* Experienced to make Project Progress Report.
* Good English command, both spoken and written.
* Graduated from reputable university with a degree of Information Technology / Computer Science / Technical background.
* Good communication skills.
* Strong leadership and initiative.
* Capable of working in a high-pressure work environment.
hi all,
we're setting up an office in Jakarta and are currently hiring engineers. they're going to be working on mostly pagelets (the little web pages you seen in mig33), wapsite and website, and producing graphic artwork like emoticons, virtual gifts etc.
job ads can be found here:
Project Manager :
Programmer :
We're starting with a team of 5, but will be growing as mig33 grows. The office will have a meaningful input into the product development process.
* 2 years experiences as Project Manager or Team Leader.
* Experience in using PHP, XML / HTML, JavaScript, AJAX-driven application and MySQL.
* Knowledge of cross-browser development techniques and browser degradation strategies.
* Knowledge of WAP and experience with entire development cycle.
* Basic knowledge of mobile data, mobile browser and Java applications.
* Have thorough experienced on MIG33 or other social platform.
* Ability to spot market trend, and translate market demand into product ideas.
* Capable to make Project Plan, organize and delegate duties.
* Capable to control produktivity of team members.
* Experienced to make Project Progress Report.
* Good English command, both spoken and written.
* Graduated from reputable university with a degree of Information Technology / Computer Science / Technical background.
* Good communication skills.
* Strong leadership and initiative.
* Capable of working in a high-pressure work environment.
crazygrape wrote:Hi..
Kita sedang mempersiapkan kantor di Jakarta dan sedang mencari beberapa tenaga ahli. Mereka akan bekerja di halaman web seperti yg terlihat di mig33, wapsite & website, seni grafis & produksi spt emoticon, hadiah virtual dll.
Iklan low0ngan kerja ini dpt ditemukan di
Project Manager :
Programmer :
kami mulai dengan 5 team, tapi akan bertambah seiring pertumbuhan mig33. Kantor ini akan sgt berarti dlm proses perkembangan produk
* 2 tahun pengalaman sebagai Project Manager atau Team Leader.
* Berpengalaman dalam menggunakan PHP, XML / HTML, JavaScript, AJAX-aplikasi driven dan MySQL.
* Pengetahuan tentang lintas-browser pengembangan teknik dan strategi browser degradasi.
* Pengetahuan tentang WAP dan pengalaman dengan pembangunan seluruh siklus.
* Dasar pengetahuan mobile data, mobile browser, dan aplikasi java.
* Have thorough berpengalaman di MIG33 atau platform sosial lainnya.
* Kemampuan untuk tren pasar spot, dan menterjemahkan permintaan pasar menjadi produk ide.
* Mampu untuk membuat Rencana Proyek, dan mengatur tugas-tugas anggota.
* Mampu mengendalikan produktivitas anggota tim
* Berpengalaman membuat Project Progress Report.
* Bagus perintah Inggris, baik lisan dan tertulis.
* Graduated dari universitas terkemuka dengan gelar Teknologi Informasi / Ilmu Komputer / Technical background.
* Bagus kemampuan komunikasi.
* Berjiwa pemimpin yang kuat dan inisiatif.
* Mampu bekerja dalam tekanan tinggi lingkungan kerja.
Terakhir diubah oleh Menul_ tanggal Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:44 am, total 2 kali diubah